Notes from the Field


Request for Proposals: Equity Consultant

Are you passionate about promoting a more equitable, accessible, economically vibrant, and environmentally sustainable food system in Rhode Island?


This RFP is funded by our EPA “From Food Waste to Opportunity” grant. This grant has been “paused” by Presidential Executive Order and we are thus unable to move forward with it at this time.

We still welcome your application/proposal. If/when our grant can move forward, we will send an email to all applicants to ask if they are still interested in moving forward. Thank you.


“From Food Waste to Opportunity” Program Equity Consultant

The Rhode Island Food Policy Council invites proposals for Equity Consulting for the “From Food Waste to Opportunity: A Path toward Climate, Environmental, & Economic Justice in Rhode Island” project. The successful applicant(s) will be experienced in building relationships with marginalized communities and facilitating their engagement in complex, collaborative, community-based, multi-year projects. Equity consultants who have provided services to climate justice and/or food systems focused projects are preferred.

This project represents a generational investment in food waste reduction infrastructure, organizational capacity, environmental justice, and community building in Rhode Island. As much as 40% of unused food is sent to landfills, and about 8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to food waste. In Rhode Island (RI), vegetative food waste is the top material in the state’s waste stream. At the same time, RI’s Central Landfill in Johnston is anticipated to be full by 2043; expansion or construction of a new landfill is problematic and unlikely. Therefore, significant solid waste reduction through food waste diversion is crucial to extend the landfill’s life and avoid more problematic options, like sending waste out of state, which would add to GHG emissions and impact additional vulnerable communities.



Proposals due by Tuesday, February 17. 

Please email with questions.