Notes from the Field


Join our NEW Wasted Food Solutions Network

The initial goal of the Wasted Food Solutions Action Network (WFSAN) is to create the first Rhode Island Food Waste Action Plan.  To do that we are reaching out to stakeholders who work to eliminate food waste and prevent wasted food in various ways, understanding that many issues, such as source reduction and social justice, are crucial and cross-cutting. 


How to get involved:

  • Complete our survey*: We are working closely with state leaders at the RI Commerce Corporation and RI DEM who will incorporate our findings into official state plans such as the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and the state food strategy. These plans inform where public funds are allocated and what public policy is prioritized. The plan will also inform private foundation funders interested in investing in this sector. Your participation will make this plan better and more meaningful in every way, allowing us to significantly change the future of food waste in Rhode Island together. The survey should take you approximately 15 minutes.
  • Summer Stakeholder Meetings: Seven stakeholder meetings will take place, one for each topic area. They will be held virtually on Wednesdays at noon starting on July 17th. You may attend as many as you like, but we ask that you please hold the date for the one that is most closely related to your area of expertise/interest.
*All survey information provided will be kept confidential. There are sections for seven different topics. You are welcome to provide feedback for multiple topics,  but only required to complete one. Please skip any that are not applicable. For example, if you are engaged in reducing food waste at schools, but are not familiar with composting fish waste, please skip the fish waste section.


Everyone working to reduce food waste and wasted food in Rhode Island is welcome to join this network. If you are not yet a member, contact to be added to our database.