February 10
Another 15 bills were added to the bill tracker this week. These additional bills spanned nearly all of our bill tracker categories. Below is some of the most notable legislation.
- SB215 – increasing the minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities from the current $3.89 to $6.75 per hour commencing January 1, 2026
- HB5342 – establishing an agricultural restricted receipt account within the department of environmental management. An advisory committee would be established to determine suggested uses of the funds in said account.
- HB5354 – adding pickles and relish to foods not requiring refrigeration, the sale of raw milk, and the taking of mushrooms for personal use.
- HB5392 – providing that a family eligible for cash assistance pursuant to §40-5.2-11, shall if qualified, be provided SNAP benefits.
Last week’s update included the second of RIFPC’s policy priorities to be introduced. HB5404 sponsored by Rep. Hagan McEntee would provide a tax credit for food donations by qualified taxpayers to nonprofit organizations up to $5,000 per year.
The other RIFPC policy priority that has been introduced are companion bills, HB5195 by Rep. Cortvriend and SB104 by Sen. Valverde, which would establish a Compost Fund to support composting efforts around the State.