Notes from the Field


Request for Proposals: Program Evaluator

Are you passionate about promoting a more equitable, accessible, economically vibrant, and environmentally sustainable food system in Rhode Island?


“From Food Waste to Opportunity” Program Evaluator

The Rhode Island Food Policy Council invites proposals for an external program evaluator for the “From Food Waste to Opportunity: A Path toward Climate, Environmental, & Economic Justice in Rhode Island” project. The successful applicant will be experienced in high-quality, customized program evaluation and research and grounded in equitable evaluation practices. Evaluators who have provided services to Federal agencies and have some familiarity with Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) development are preferred.

The successful applicant will be grounded in professional integrity, strong partnerships, continuous learning, and meaningful results. Technical expertise in program evaluation, program quality, and performance measurement are a must, as is consistent, open communication with staff, including the Executive Director and the Food, Climate, and Environment Program Director and other staff members. The successful applicant will work with staff to ensure their effective input and participation in evaluation activities. This program evaluation will require design and implementation of a wide range of evaluation training and facilitation activities, including workshops, structured meeting facilitation, webinars, focus groups, and other capacity-building engagements. The process will engage a wide range of stakeholders with diverse life experiences and learning styles. User-friendly reporting rooted in practical, actionable strategies that can be interpreted clearly by audiences ranging from Federal agency staff to community members will be expected.


Proposals due by Tuesday, February 17. 

Please email with questions.