Nov 13, 2023 | Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSRhode Island Food System Preparedness and Recovery Planning Process About the Rhode Island Food Policy CouncilThe Rhode Island Food Policy Council (RIFPC) is an independent statewide network established in2011 with a mission to promote a more...
Oct 21, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
On October 18, RIFPC announced its 2024 Legislative Priorities to an audience of more than 40 state representatives, senators, state officials, staff from congressional delegates’ offices, and Council members at East Greenwich’s Boesch Farm, the home of Pat’s...
Oct 10, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
The Rhode Island Food Policy Council seeks a contractor to produce monthly newsletters and support web-based communications and updates. This contractor reports to the Engagement Manager. The deliverables for this contract are to: Produce high-quality monthly...
Aug 31, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
Candidates running for Rhode Island’s open Congressional District 1 seat were invited to answer our short questionnaire to share their thoughts about important issues that will impact Rhode Island’s food system. Candidates responses: Are you aware that...
Aug 28, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Business, Growing Food, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
Rhode Island’s food system matters! Candidates running for Rhode Island’s Congressional District 1 seat are invited to answer our short questionnaire to share your thoughts about important issues that will impact a sector that represents $12B in annual...