January 26
Over 90 bills were introduced last week – with more than 20 that will have food systems impacts in RI. The majority of these bills fall under our food business category, as is common nearly every session. Read more about some of the bills added to the tracker this week below.
One of RIFPC’s policy priorities has been officially introduced. HB5195 introduced by Rep. Cortvriend would establish a Compost Fund to support composting efforts around the State. This bill is one of two key priorities in our Food, Climate, & Environment Work Group.
- SB44 – granting the town council of the town of South Kingstown the authority to enact a homestead exemption ordinance.
- SB73 – allowing the holder of a manufacturer’s license to be able to sell one-sixth (⅙) barrel key of malt beverage, produced on the premise per day.
- HB5099 – authorizing and empowering the Department of Transportation to plan pollinator friendly native species of trees, shrubs, grasses and plants within limits of a roadway, including state highways.
- HB5115 – prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and distribution of food containing certain artificial food dyes within school systems in the State of Rhode Island commencing January 1, 2027.
- HB5136 – gradually increasing the minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities between January 1, 2026 through January 1, 2031 to the minimum wage established in § 28-12-3 exclusive of gratuities.
- HB5159– – providing that original equipment manufacturers, implemented by/with surrogate distributors, or agricultural equipment, provide to independent service providers repair information and tools to maintain and repair electronics-enabled agricultural equipment.
- HB5166 – providing for a prohibition on the licensing of any new high-heat waste facility.