Notes from the Field


Advocating for the Food Waste Ban and Donation Tax Incentives


Solutions for diverting wasted food from the landfill is a core focus this legislative session. Our Wasted Food Solutions work group (new this year) and network members are especially active this week, as hearings at the State House on both the Food Waste Ban and the Food Donation Tax Credit are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

HB5803 is a tax credit for food donations by qualified taxpayers to nonprofit organizations.

Passage of this bill would support local businesses that donate surplus food with a tax credit, support local nonprofit organizations, increase food equity for the 31% of Rhode Island households who face food insecurity, extend the life of the RI Central Landfill and help to preserve the environment.

SB201 requires covered entities generating organic waste materials more than 52 tons/yr and located less than 30 miles from a composting or digestion facility to recycle the waste at that facility beginning January 1, 2024

By incentivizing businesses to donate unused food, The State of Rhode Island has the opportunity to support local businesses, support local nonprofit organizations, increase food equity, extend the life of the landfill and preserve the environment – a win, win, win, win, win.


Here’s how you can make a difference!

Email your support (and encourage others to do so as well)

Food Waste Ban (Bill #S201)
Email: before Wednesday (4/26) at 12 noon

Food Donation Tax Credit (Bill #H2803)
Email: before Thursday (4/27) at 12 noon

Your email MUST include:

  • Your full name
  • Your town/city of residence (if you don’t live in RI but you work here, you can use your business address)
  • The bill number
  • A clear, consice statement about whether you support or oppose the bill
  • Written testimony about the bill. (Don’t worry too much about making it long or perfect! A quick email with the above info and a sentence or two about why you support it will do the trick.
  • A message like this template we drafted for you to customize

Show up and testify in person!

    You’ll come to the appropriate room in the State House, put your name on the sign-in sheet along with what bill you’re there for, and whether you support or oppose. Then, when they have the hearing, they’ll call folks to give their testimony. You get to speak about why it matters to you and why you think they should pass it and (especially with these bills) you’ll find the legislators are really appreciative of you bringing your experience and advocacy.


    Food Waste Ban
    Senate Environment & Agriculture Committee Meeting
    Wednesday (4/26). Starts at 4pm.
    Senate Lounge – State House

    Food Donation Tax Credit
    House Finance Committee Meeting
    Thursday (4/27). Starts at 4pm
    Room 35 – State House

    Our 2022 Network Survey indicated that diverting wasted food from our landfill is a priority. The Council’s 2023 Strategic Objectives and Legislative Priorities reflect this, and a Wasted Food Solutions work group emerged from our core food access, food business, and climate-focused  groups. Read our Wasted Food in RI overview.

    To find more food waste facts and data related to RI, view our Data Dashboard.