Seven bills were added to the bill tracker this week. Two pieces of legislation focus on urban and small farmer taxation, both introduced by Sen. Mack. Two other bills focused on minimum wage increases. For more details on all of the bills added this week, read on below.
SB791 – Authorizes the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) to develop a sliding scale decrease in benefits as a beneficiary’s income increases up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level (Sen. DiPalma)
SB826 – Raises the minimum wage for the years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029 to $15.50, $17.00, $18.50, $20.00 and $21.00 per hour respectively (Sen. Mack)
SB827 – Raises the minimum wage on January 1, 2026 and each January 1 thereafter, by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (Sen. Mack)
SB858 – Requires owners of a stationary refrigeration system in Rhode Island to register their system with the Department of Environmental Management (Sen. Gu)
SB862 – Exempts urban and small farmers from sales taxes, real, tangible and personal property taxes and incomes taxes (Sen. Mack)
SB882 – Allows a municipality to exempt from taxation the real, tangible and personal property of urban and small farmers (Sen. Mack)
SB909 – Establishes the Green Justice Zone Board with the power to identify Green Justice Zones and develop and implement plans for remediation with community input (Sen. Mack)
Legislators will be taking action on four tracked bills this week. On Tuesday, the Senate will hear SB504-A, which establishes a renewable ready program to promote responsible siting and development of renewable energy on certain enumerated sites.
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Corporations will hear HB6160. This bill related to pesticides, amends the definition of “under the direct supervision” to include a competent person acting under the control of a certified or licensed applicator who is available when needed, even though not physically present when the pesticide is applied. That same day, the House Committee on State Government & Elections will hear HB6101, which will require the adoption of 2021 International Energy Conservation Code.
The RIFPC Bill Tracker is a reference, covering all legislation affecting the Rhode Island food system and all topics of interest to Council Members. The Tracker is updated daily during the legislative session (January-June), and organized by major impact areas.