Notes from the Field


Bill Tracker update: JAN 16

Five new bills were added to the RIFPC Bill Tracker this week, representing potential impacts on our aquaculture industry, food packaging, using the word “compostable” on labels, and the definition of “solid waste”. Three of these bills are highlighted below. Detailed information on all five bills can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate track.

HB5037 from Rep. Edwards would restrict aquaculture operations on the Sakonnet River within 1000ft of the median high tide line. The bill is very similar to one introduced by Rep. Edwards late in last year’s session. 

Rep. Bennett has introduced two bills aimed at reducing environmentally hazardous packaging:
HB5090 bans polystyrene from disposable food containers, and HB5091 creates a RI “Package Reduction and Recycling Program” to make packaging manufacturers take more responsibility for improving packaging. Both bills were introduced last year by Rep. Bennett but were held for further study after committee hearings.

For more information, visit our Bill Tracker.