Business Support
We do our best to check the resources here for accuracy and timeliness, but some inaccurate information may slip by us. Make sure to confirm what you find directly from the resource providers.
If you find anything that is inaccurate, or if part or all of this website is not accessible to you for any reason, please contact [name] at [email] or [phone]
What kind of support do you need?
Events and Resources
Successful markets have deep community roots and offer a thriving marketplace for farmers and eaters. There are many details to consider before starting a new farmers market. Below you will find resources to guide you through the planning process.
The following information on starting a new farmers market is brought to you in partnership between Farm Fresh RI and the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program
Funding, Training, Advising/Help, Events/Networking Opportunities, Licenses, Permits, Regulations & Taxes, Legal Information & Assistance
Agricultural Resource Guide
A Collection of Resources for Rhode Island Farmers & Ranchers
Prepared by the Center for Mediation & Collaboration RI
Funded through the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Grant
in partnership with the RI Department of Environmental Management Division of Agriculture
Climate Change Resources for Business
Businesses across Rhode Island are taking steps to address climate change, implement sound resilience practices, and remain competitive and profitable. Planning and preparing for extreme climate events can also save lives and keep Rhode Islanders working.
This resource is intended to be a one-stop-shop for food related businesses to find technical assistance, grant funding, or financing.
Want to dial in the business side of your farm?
These free resources will help you get as good at running your business as you are at growing food. Many thanks to the farm service providers around the country who prepared these resources or helped us create them.
RI Farmland Access Clearinghouse
The Division of Agriculture and our partners have identified improving access to farmland as a major priority. Farmland values in Rhode Island are among the highest in the country and lack of access to affordable farmland threatens RI’s agricultural sector. Listed below are ways to access farmland around the state. If you are looking to sell the development rights to your farmland, please visit the state Farmland Preservation Program page here.
Section 1 – General Resource References
Section 2 – Natural and Cultural Resources Information
Section 3 – Resource Concerns and Planning Criteria
Section 4 – Practice Standards and Supporting Documents
Section 5 – Conservation Effects
New England Ag Exchange
Welcome! This is your online forum for connecting about farming + land + jobs + other agricultural stuff.
So You Want to Start a Farm?
Interested in Starting a Farm?
Want to Expand the One You Have?
We often get calls at the Farm Bureau office from people looking for land to farm, or interested in turning their property into a farm. Sometimes they are interested in a new farm venture. This led me to create a quick handout to email those callers, and I named it, “So You Want to Start a Farm?”
Want to list your event or resource for food businesses? Please fill out this form.
We are here to help!