Notes from the Field


Listening Sessions: RI Food System Preparedness and Recovery Plan

The Rhode Island Food Policy Council (RIFPC) is leading the planning process to develop the Rhode Island Food System Preparedness and Recovery Plan. We are seeking broad stakeholder input to create a strong plan so our state is ready to respond to and recover from future disruptions to our food system. A key component of this process is facilitated focus groups. 

Please join our Spartina Consulting partners at one of the upcoming sessions as they will facilitate a strength-based environmental scan, known as a “SOAR” analysis, of food system preparedness and recovery components.

Participants will engage in three conversation rounds in breakout groups, exploring:

  • Strengths – emergency food response strengths, what worked during the pandemic?
  • Opportunities – resources, opportunities to innovate and improve RI emergency food preparedness and response
  • Aspirations + Results – moonshots, most desired impact and results in the event of future disruptions to our food supply and distribution systems

We’re hosting three (3) listening sessions, remotely, via Zoom, with links to meetings sent beforehand.

  • Wednesday, May 8 @ 11:30AM-1PM

  • Wednesday, May 22 @ 3-4:30PM

  • Tuesday, May 28 @ 6-7:30PM

Thank you for volunteering your time and insights to be a part of this important work.