Our Work


Policy for Progress

When policy and regulatory change are called for, the RI Food Policy Council acts as both a forum for issues and a platform for coordinated action. Our policy work is grounded in our vision of a just and resilient food system — one in which all Rhode Islanders have enough to eat and our local farm, fish, and food businesses are thriving.

The Council’s annual legislative priorities are based on members’ interests and advocacy goals. Work groups discuss policy priorities at the beginning of the Council year (Summer), and are officially set each Fall using a modified consensus decision-making process. For the rest of the year (through June) we work to educate and advocate for them. 

We want to work with Rhode Islanders who want to promote good food policy and strengthen the capacity of our local and regional food system.Learn more.

Legislative Priorities Rhode Island Food Policy Council 2023

This Bill Tracker is a reference, covering all legislation affecting the Rhode Island food system and all topics of interest to Council Members.

The Tracker is updated daily during the legislative session (January-June), and organized by major impact areas.

News & Updates


2025 Legislative Session OPEN!


2024 Legislative Session Debrief


Here’s what the state needs to do to create a more just and resilient food system by 2030.

Boost supports for local composting

Divert organic material from the landfill by funding and supporting community-based composting operations. Provide technical assistance to food scrap producers  and ensure that Rhode Islanders have equitable access to composting options.

Related legislation: SB2753, HB7856

Incentivize surplus food donation

Create a tax credit for qualified taxpayers that donate food to Rhode Island organizations to address food insecurity, propel environmental sustainability, support local businesses and help make surplus food donation a common practice.

Related legislation: SB2757, HB7995

Preserve active farmland

Support land access for farming by ensuring consistent, adequate funding for the Agricultural Land Preservation Commission through the state’s Green Bond.

Related legislation: SB2496, HB7550

Provide healthy school meals for all

Make an investment in children by providing free breakfast and lunch to all students, while promoting local food purchasing and ensuring culturally appropriate menus.

Related legislation: SB2320, HB7400

Reduce tax burdens for urban
& small farmers

Strengthen urban and small farmers by ensuring farming operations remain competitive by reducing tax burdens.

Related legislation: SB2335, HB7684

Advocacy is for All

Driven by a vision of a just and resilient food system, the RI Food Policy Council champions ‘Advocacy for All,’ ensuring every Rhode Islander can actively shape the food policies affecting our communities. Join this movement, and advocate for a food future where equity and sustainability are central to community success and health.

The Council welcomes opportunities to discuss these priorities. Please reach out.

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