Notes from the Field


Read the Municipal Composting Readiness Report
As you know our landfill is rapidly filling leading to increasing municipal tipping fees. At the same time food waste rotting in landfills is one of the leading sources of methane emissions in the country. 

Over the last several months the Rhode Island Food Policy Council has:

  • Interviewed many of you and your fellow municipal colleagues across the state. Our focus was to figure out what you see as your barriers and opportunities to moving forward more sustainable and economically beneficial food waste management strategies. With the goal of understanding who is ready to take action and how we can best support you.
  • Invited the RI community to share in our findings, discuss how we can best support local efforts, and ask for feedback on anything we may have missed. (Wednesday, October 9, 2024)

The Municipal Compost Readiness Report was developed through meetings with municipal leaders across the state. We learned their current composting practices, challenges, and opportunities, and collected data on socioeconomic and population factors to provide additional context that other municipalities can use to effectively tailor their composting initiatives. We encourage you to take a moment to read the report.