Resources / Rhode Island Stories

Land & Sea Together

The Challenge

The industry of farmers, fishers, and forestry have a need for mental health services and various other support systems, like that are underfunded and overlooked.

The Approach

As a branch of the Center for Mediation & Collaboration, Land & Sea Together aims to help farmers, fishers, and forestry workers (and families) by connecting them to their partners, programs or other forms of help.

By The Numbers

Since it started in 2022, 25+ organizational and industry partners have participated in their network of support.

  • 150 individuals have benefited from the Stress Reduction Micro Grant
  • 60 individuals received 300+ hour of support through Coastline EAP and the Helpline
  • 14 new apprentices are now working in the RI commercial fishing industry
  • 4 farms participating in the farm succession planning support

    Preserve and Grow Agriculture Industries

    Help reduce stress for farmers, fishers, and forestries (FFF) in RI by continuing to build a network of support services that address FFF need’s and help them flourish in their work life.

    Program Description

    Land & Sea Together has helped preserve and grow the agricultural and fishery industries in RI by helping those in the industry continue to grow, alleviate stress, and function as a resource for workers to utilize help. With a focus on the mental health needs of FFF workers, Land & Sea Together does many things including: surveys to assess needs, microloans, training, networking opportunities and more. Additionally, they partner with a 24 hour hotline that serves as a resource for FFFs who can call at any time and get assigned a case manager for their needs. Land & Sea Together empowers farm and commercial fisheries business owners and employees to navigate daily hurdles and the unique stressors in these sectors. This not only enhances the wellbeing of FFF workers but it also strengthens the fabric of Rhode Island’s agricultural and fishery sectors by fostering sustainability, growth, and resilience.


    Future Plans

    Currently, they are working on an outreach strategy with the aim of informing more Rhode Islanders who work in FFF industries about their resources. For example, they are working on making their information more accessible by having it translated to other major languages. Most importantly, they aim to continue to partner with other in-state organizations to collaborate on meaningful projects.


    This story was prepared by Kimberly Nieves.