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Borrovit alique inum in rem quamus deriat ut aliquam aut quidem volorero to id modi samendis ex ea vel id qui offictis utatque volorat ibusae is auten duciur molo cuptas doluptatis ea dollab init dolupti. Borrovit alique inum in rem quamus deriat ut aliquam aut quidem volorero.

    Focus Area

    Preserve and Grow Agriculture & Fisheries IndustriesSustain and Create Markets for RI Food and Beverage ProductsEnhance Climate for Food and Beverage BusinessesEnsure Food Security for All Rhode IslandersMinimize Food Waste and Divert It from the Waste Stream

    Program Area

    The Goal

    The Challenge

    The Approach

    Program Statistics

    Statement of Impact

    Statement of Changes

    Future Plans

    Program Contact Information