Notes from the Field


Support the Small and Urban Farms Success Act
JANUARY 17, 2024 — The Rhode Island Food Policy Council Urban Farmer Advocacy Work Group, along with businesses, organizations, and engaged Rhode Islanders, has submitted a letter to Senator Ruggerio and Speaker Shekarchi. As the state legislature arranges its agenda for the 2024 session, the letter makes a strong case for the approval of tax exemptions for the state’s urban and small farms.
Highlighting a recent survey by the RI Association of Conservation Districts that revealed around 80 active urban or small farms and community gardens in Rhode Island in 2023, the letter underscores the limited tax relief available to these smaller operations and calls for a leveling of the playing field, allowing these valuable contributors to our communities the same tax benefits as larger farms.
Today’s farm support policies were written over 30 years ago. With small and urban farms being one of the fastest growing sectors, it is a crucial time to modernize.
— Amelia Lopez, Southside Community Land Trust 
The letter proposes the elimination of sales, property, and income taxes for urban and small farms under 5 acres, a policy change that would support community priorities and have an insignificant impact on the state’s finances.

Stand up for RI’s aching food system and reintroduce this legislation in 2024!