Mar 6, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
There were 30 bills added to the bill tracker this week. These pieces of legislation were primarily in the areas of food business and climate change. The entire list of new bills can be found below. For more information about each bill, please refer to the appropriate...
Feb 27, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Last week twenty-four bills were introduced in the General Assembly that could have an impact on our food system. The majority of these bills were added in the food business sec NEW BILLSTen new bills with potential impacts on our food system were added to the Bill...
Feb 20, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Last week twenty-four bills were introduced in the General Assembly that could have an impact on our food system. The majority of these bills were added in the food business sector. Notably, there were a number of bills introduced related to our fisheries and...
Feb 17, 2023 | Advocacy, Food Access, Food Business, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood
Governor Dan McKee recently received a letter from the American Heart Association (AHA) requesting that he include funding for Healthy School Meals for All in the RI 2024 Budget. The RI Food Policy Councils members are in agreement with AHA, but wanted to emphasize...
Feb 13, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Ten House bills with potential impacts on our food system were added to the bill tracker this past week. Brief descriptions are offered below, and full bill text and additional information can be found in the Bill Tracker. No Senate bills at all were posted as of...