For nearly two decades, Rachel has been working with policymakers, community-based organizations and under-represented communities to increase equitable access to and control of the resources we need to live healthy lives. Food policy and food equity have been strong threads throughout Rachel’s career, from developing and managing community gardens in Boston and Providence, serving as the founding staff member of Sankofa World Market in Providence’s West End, and most recently driving health policy and programs as Acting Director of the City of Providence’s Healthy Communities Office.
Rachel earned her MA in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University and lives with her family on the South Side of Providence.
“I see food as a powerful human thread through so many of the issues that shape our lives – the health of our families, the ways we interact with and impact the natural environment, and how we shape and are shaped by the economy. I’m delighted to join the excellent staff and dedicated members of RIFPC in the effort to ensure that all Rhode Islanders have access to the nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate foods that keep our families strong. I am so excited to continue learning about the food traditions of all our state’s communities and create a more just food system for us all.”
In her role as Food Access & Nutrition Security Program Director, Rachel Newman Greene’s work is critically important for Rhode Islanders who struggle with food insecurity and those who serve them. She will lead the Hunger Elimination Task Force in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Director of Food Strategy as well as other high-priority food security projects, including the development of a RI Emergency Food Access Plan and implementation of a statewide ‘Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program’ initiative.
We are delighted to have Rachel, and hope you’ll join us in welcoming her to this new chapter! Contact her at