Apr 10, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Two new bills with potential impacts on food businesses were added to the tracker this week. The first, SB661, would codify protections for warehouse workers (introduced by Sen. Ciccone). The second, SB652, establishes a marina users’ bill of rights that could affect...
Apr 6, 2023 | Advocacy, Food Access, Humans of RIFPC, Policy
The first Hunger Elimination Task Force (HETF) Meeting of 2023 was attended by over 62 participants. Randi Belhumeur from the RI Dept. of Health (RIDOH) welcomed everyone and provided an update on RIDOH’s application to the CDC’s State Physical Activity and Nutrition...
Apr 3, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Seven bills were added to the bill tracker this week. Two pieces of legislation focus on urban and small farmer taxation, both introduced by Sen. Mack. Two other bills focused on minimum wage increases. For more details on all of the bills added this week, read on...
Mar 30, 2023 | Advocacy, Food Access, Humans of RIFPC, Policy
Joan Kwiatkowski, M.S.W., C.A.G.S. Lives in: BarringtonJoined the Council: 2022Profession: CEO of PACE Organization of Rhode Island Joan believes everybody should have an advocate who really hears their voice, and puts that voice in the center of that person’s...
Mar 27, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
New legislation Seven bills with potential impacts on our food system were added to the tracker this week. Two of these bills would impact commercial fisheries and aquaculture: SB703 – amends the duties of the Marine Fisheries Council (Sen. Sosnowski) SB772 –...