Mar 20, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
Our bill tracker has three new bills this week: SB683, SB684, and HB6160. Introduced by Sen. DiMario, SB683 extends COVID-19 moratorium on penalties for food businesses that altered or modified its business to comply with the pandemic emergency declaration. SB684...
Mar 16, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Food Access, Food Business, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
With over 1800 bills introduced since January, the Rhode Island General Assembly is running full speed towards the end of session now. RIFPC’s bill tracker is currently following more than 135 pieces of legislation that may impact our food system. A little less than 4...
Mar 10, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Food Access, Food Business, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
RI Food Policy Council 2023 Farm Bill Priorities The 2023 Farm Bill presents an incredible opportunity to protect agricultural land, expand SNAP access, promote sustainable agriculture, and strengthen the local food system, while improving equity. In alignment with...
Mar 20, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
New Legislation Added to the Tracker Last week was another busy week at the State House. The General Assembly has now introduced over 1800 bills since January. We added 13 bills to our bill tracker last week, bringing the total tracked to 126. Three bills of note...
Mar 6, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
There were 30 bills added to the bill tracker this week. These pieces of legislation were primarily in the areas of food business and climate change. The entire list of new bills can be found below. For more information about each bill, please refer to the appropriate...