Jan 9, 2023 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Resources, Seafood, Wasted Food
The RI General Assembly began its 2023 session last week. The Senate and House are still getting organized and committee meetings will not start for at least another week. A few dozen bills were introduced last week but many of them were resolutions recognizing the...
Jan 4, 2023 | Advocacy, Events, Food Access, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
Dear Hunger Elimination Task Force (HETF) Community, In 2022, many Rhode Islanders felt the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic ease. But for residents experiencing food insecurity and the organizations trying to support them, relief never came. Inflation, gas and food...
Dec 23, 2022 | Advocacy, Climate, Events, Food Access, Food Business, Growing Food, Humans of RIFPC, Policy, Seafood, Wasted Food
Following the Council’s decision on legislative priorities for the coming year, a set of strategic objectives has been developed. In 2023, Council Members, Work Groups, Board, and staff will work to: Increase food access, security, justice, and sovereignty for...
Dec 18, 2023 | Humans of RIFPC
I love the RI Food Policy Council for many reasons. One of them is the way the organization continues its remarkable way of growing, evolving, and expanding. Watching this process is like watching a time-elapsed film of an acorn germinating, becoming a sapling, and...
Dec 23, 2022 | Humans of RIFPC
The power of working together in groups, even very small groups, is always revealed over time. What seems impossible one day turns out to be doable; what sounds crazy idealistic becomes a possibility. Margaret Mead said it best: “Never doubt that a small group of...